(May-2023) Most providers have around 5% unbooked appointment slots every month. If every specialist made 5% of their weekly work schedule available for extra appointments and those unbooked appointment slots were filled…it’s possible to reduce national patient wait times by 25%. This is a “bulls-eye” for value-based care.
The national wait time for a NEW patient in the U. S. to see a specialist is between 30-35 days – depending on where the patient lives (FYI…in Canada, average wait time is over 70 days). In the U. S., a 25% reduction in patient wait time could reach 9 days, which means patients could see a specialist almost 1.5 weeks sooner! And, providers could increase patient volumes by 15-25 patients a month.
That sounds great. But, how is that possible? Well, nodMD makes it possible with its managed specialty care network powered by its digital health platform. Join our network of specialty physicians and find out how we are reducing wait times for patients and increasing patient volumes for providers – a win-win-win (insurance companies also “win” when health care costs decrease as a patient is seen earlier).
For providers interested in joining nodMD’s managed specialty network, please reach out to Dr. Murthy, CEO at: marketing@nodMD.com.